the founder’s

Looking for advice, stories from real startups, or unique perspectives on our region’s entrepreneurial growth? You’ve come to the right place!

Venture Capital is Broken

Venture Capital is Broken

Too often the dialog from entrepreneurs is that there simply are not enough investors, and the ones they do meet won’t invest in them. They often complain that investors are too late stage focused...

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The Pitch Recap

The Pitch Recap

The Pitch 2022 RecapSix years ago, events for Startups were few and far between in our region. A small group of Entrepreneurs came together to create a Startup event to fill the need. We decided to...

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The Young Entrepreneur

The Young Entrepreneur

 "I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.”           — Mohandas Gandhi There will forever be a stigma within the workspace that the youngest...

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