If You Build It They Will Come

If You Build It They Will Come

If You Build It, They WILL Come!   Yes, you read that correctly. If you build it, they really will come! It is time to change this conventional advice that is leading entrepreneurs astray in building their companies. Time and again I hear entrepreneurs being told...
National Book Day Reads for Startups

National Book Day Reads for Startups

National Book Day Reads for Startups Are you an aspiring Entrepreneur or currently launching a Startup? Here are some important books, blogs, and writings you should consider reading on (and after!) National Book Lovers Day. All year long I consistently hear from...

Josh Trimm Wins iBucs Competition!

Josh Trimm Wins iBucs Competition!     Josh Trimm describes the process of development full of non-stop learning. Josh Trimm began preparing for the iBucs Pitch Competition in early 2020, then lockdown happened and iBucs was canceled.  Two years later, he...
The Young Entrepreneur

The Young Entrepreneur

The Young Entrepreneur  “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.”           — Mohandas Gandhi There will forever be a stigma within the workspace that the youngest worker in the office is the most...
What Is With All the Pitching?

What Is With All the Pitching?

What Is With All the Pitching? If you follow the world of Entrepreneurship and Startups, then you have likely seen countless discussions on the art of the Startup pitch. It might even seem like the only thing Startups actually do is conduct elevator pitches, compete...